Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Common parts of ac and dc generator

Common parts of ac and dc generators?

There is not the big different between AC and DC generator and the common part of both of them are
  1. Rotor 
  2. Stater
  3. Frame
  4. Magnetic Field 
  5. Barring
  6. Shaft 
  7. Winding (Lap or Wave)
  8. Cable box 
The big different between both of them is the commutator and split rings which we use to convert DC to AC. 

Is electricity better than coal or oil

Is electricity better than coal or oil for heating?

I think the electricity is much better then the coal and oil the major cause of this is that the oil and the coal  has a very bad effect at the atmosphere means they are the cause of the air pollution. And the electricity is good for this purpose. But we can't ignore that there is a big amount of electricity which is producing by  oil and coal.

Plug 120V light bulb in 240V socket?

Plug 120V light bulb in 240V socket?

The result is depend on the capacity and the type of the bulb, if the bulb is made of the material which have the high melting point and it have the high resistance then the bulb will light and if the bulb can't afford the voltage means the resistance of is not to much high or the area of the filament is thin then the bulb will light for 1 or 2 sec after that the filament will break and the bulb will not be able to light again. 

Electricity in your Home

What are the uses of electricity in your home?

There is a lot of usage of electricity now a days, we can't Imagen our life without the electricity so we all can count the devices in out house need electricity and we can see there is more then 60% devices regularly in a house which need electricity.   

Energy saving light Bulbs

What makes energy-saving light bulbs last for longer than regular bulbs?

There is the an  electronic circuit with a lot of Diode, Capacitor, Resistance and many other components, which use to make the bulb more efficient and help to save the energy.
Because in regular bulb there is only a wire which is directly connect to the supply that's why the resistance is high and this is the cause of energy wasting, so we use the electronic circuit to save the electrical energy and to make a high efficiency devices.